Branch Report June 2018
Wine Country Branch Report, June 21, 2018
BRANCH: Wine Country RTA Number of Members 41 (up by 9)
President: Stefan Cieslik
Secretary: Sherry Philpott-Adhikary (new)
Treasurer: Cheryl Halsted
MEETINGS & ACTIVITIES (2017-2018 year)
Most General Mtgs./Workshops held at the South Okanagan Similkameen Teachers’ Union office in Oliver. No charge. Great joint-efforts between Teachers’ Local & Retired Teachers’ Branch.
- Sept 6th Annual “To Heck with the Bell” Breakfast/Brunch in Osoyoos; 17 attended at
MacKia’s Restaurant attached to the Best Western Hotel in Osoyoos. Welcomed newly retired. - Sept 17 – 19 BCRTA Conf/AGM: Barry Gruntman, Jackie and Ivo Castellarin & Stefan attended.
Stefan Cieslik was elected for a two year term as a BCRTA Director/ Member at Large. - Dec 6 Christmas Lunch, Gecko Grill Restaurant, Oliver; Several newly retired. Photographs attached.
We had 37 people in attendance. You will notice that it’s hard to smile while you’re singing! - February 14th Steven Hopp, Pharmacist-Owner Shoppers Drug Mart Presentation. 17 members attended. See Topics attached.
- Apr. 12:Meeting with Richard Cannings, MP re: Bill C-27, Universal Pharmacare, etc.
- Apr 26: Meeting/Networking with all BCRTA Thompson Okanagan Presidents/in Vernon
- June 5: Costco Workshop, Topic: Navigating the Health Care System & Wine Country RTA AGM: Election of 2018/19 Executive, Election of Provincial delegates for BCRTA AGM in Sept/2018
- President: Stefan Cieslik, Treasurer: Cheryl Halsted, Secretary: Sherry Philpott-Adhikary. Table officers are the BCRTA delegates for September,2018 BCRTA Conference in Richmond.
- June 15: Mailed Bill C-27 Petition to Richard Cannings, MP (49 signatures).
Recruitment Methods:
FREE BCRTA MEMBERSHIP for new members 2018/19. Yeah!
- Attend TPP Workshops, Attend “More To It Than Money” Workshops
- Attended Teacher Union Local End of Year Retirement function (June 15th,2018)
- E-mails, Newsletters, Social Functions, Need to develop Phone Tree, Distribute Connections Newsletters, PostScript + BCRTA Brochures, etc. Show non-members why m/ship worthwhile.
To recruit Executive: ABC = Appeal, Beg, Cajole!
Regular turnout of those who want to be involved. Workshops. Newsletters.
- How to get more members involved in the Wine Country RTA
- Find out what Members Need & Want / Provide it for them, e.g. Workshops, etc.
- Testalinda School Heritage Project. SD 53 Heritage Preservation Policy.
Respectfully submitted,
Stefan Cieslik
President, Wine Country RTA