The Langley Retired Teachers' Association

The LRTA has a long history of education and community. Our executive proudly represents our members and upholds the values of our organization.

About Us

Our policies, procedures, executive information and more.

Welcome to the Langley Retired Teachers’ Association

The Langley Retired Teachers’ Association is an active branch of the British Columbia Retired Teachers’ Association (BCRTA). We offer retired teachers the opportunity to engage in social actives and advocacy efforts as well as provide opportunities to maintain contact with former colleagues.

Belonging to the LRTA will keep you updated to any of our upcoming events, workshops and presentations, and you will receive our quarterly newsletter called “Open Road”.   The newsletter features articles and links to information from other affiliated groups such a COSCO (Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations of BC), Let’s Go –  Enjoy the Journey,  Retired Educators’ Scholarship Team of Langley (through School District #35 Foundation) and the R.R. Smith Foundation.

Being a member of the provincial BCRTA  has many advantages that are described in their website:  Be sure to check off the Langley branch membership option at the bottom of their online or downloaded form.

We love to welcome all new members:  new retirees, transfers from other branches or simply those who have just discovered the advantages of joining the  LRTA as well as the BCRTA.  Remember the first year of membership to both is free!

The Langley Retired Teachers’ Association has been an independent branch since 1991, whose founding President was the late, John McTaggart. Prior to that, we belonged to a group branch that included Surrey and Delta as well.

The BCRTA dogwood logo was designed by our own member and talented local artist, the late Doreen King.  Our “History” section in the website includes many interesting pieces of information about a variety of schools including photographs that have been collected over the years.

Another point of historical significance is the effort put forth by our member, Maureen Pepin.   Maureen along with the late Harry McTaggart and the late Norm Sherritt, published a “History of Langley Schools from 1867 – 2004”  that was funded by a grant from the R.R. Smith Foundation.  An overview of that history is available in the history section of our website.

On behalf of all our members, we wish to welcome you to the LRTA website – we hope, if you are not already a member, you will join us and stay connected!

Our Beliefs and Purposes

We believe every retired educator has a right and a responsibility to add his or her voice to discussing the issues that face us as we enter the retirement phase of our lives. Our collective voice is the British Columbia Retired Teachers’ Association (BCRTA).

  • The primary value of the BCRTA is to ensure that retirees have an association which speaks with one voice about their economic interests and social concerns.
  • Membership in a branch offers the opportunity to engage in social actives and advocacy efforts that permit continuing contact with former colleagues.

The purposes of the LRTA mirror those of the BCRTA. They are:

  • To promote the interests and safe guard the welfare of its members,
  • To provide information and advice to individual members and their beneficiaries regarding retirement programs and benefits,
  • To communicate to members regarding the activities of the Association and issues of common interest,
  • To promote excellence in education, and
  • To support the recording of the history of education in Langley and the preservation of school properties of historical value.

The LRTA supports organizations that enhance the quality of life for its members and that of other seniors. The LRTA also adheres to the “Memorandum of Understanding Between the BCRTA and the R.R. Smith Memorial Fund Foundation” (see BCRTA Handbook for more information). The LRTA will also encourage its members to donate and support the Langley School District Foundation in their efforts to support the Langley Retired Educators Scholarship Fund awarded to Langley secondary schools’ graduates.

Policies and Procedures adopted May 31, 2022

The Langley Retired Teachers’ Association is a Branch of the BCRTA and as such adheres to the the BCRTA. Policies and Procedures. The Langley Branch of the BCRTA operates in accordance with the constitution and/or bylaws of the BCRTA which operates under the Societies Act. The annual membership fee for the LRTA is set at the LRTA annual general meeting (AGM).

LRTA Executive and Duties

Click each section header to read more details.

Terms of Office

  • All executive members shall be elected at the branch AGM for a two year term.
  • The president may serve for a maximum of two consecutive 2 year terms.
  •  If an executive position  is vacant, it may be filled by an interim appointment, or the executive may decide to complete the term without filling the position.


  • The Annual General Meeting is held at the May luncheon.
  • Elections for the LRTA executive members are held every second year at the LRTA AGM.
  • The LRTA fee for the following year is passed at the AGM.
  • Elections for BCRTA AGM delegates are held at the LRTA AGM.  The President will automatically be one of the delegates.

General Meetings

  • The LRTA executive will hold a No-Bell brunch in September to welcome new retirees and all members.
  • The LRTA executive may hold additional events and general meetings as they see fit throughout the school year.


  • Prepare agendas, call and conduct all executive and general meetings.
  • Prepare an annual report to be sent to the BCRTA to arrive no later than June 30th.  The AGM minutes and names and addresses of new executive may be forwarded at this time.
  • Keep members informed of Branch and BCRTA affairs.
  • Act as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
  • Deal with any business that affects branch members.
  • Be the communication link with the BCRTA, LTA, School District and LPVPA.
  • Represents the LRTA at the BCRTA AGM and coordinate delegates for the BCRTA AGM who need to have their registration forms into the BCRTA by August 15th.
  • Work on recruitment of new retirees as members.
  • Represent LRTA at district events – such as induction and retirement celebrations.

Vice President

  • Assume all duties of the president during his/her absence.
  • Work with the president and other executive members to coordinate events.
  • Assist the president in branch activities as requested. .
  • To provide member support.

Past President

  • Support the president and executive.
  • Offer advice and experience when requested.
  • Coordinate the nomination committee to recruit members to run for executive positions.
  • Chair nominations meeting at the AGM or appoint an executive to chair in their absence.


  • Keep records of all monies received and spent, writing receipts and issuing cheques as necessary.
  • Cheques must be signed by two members authorized to sign cheques, at least one of which must be the treasurer or president.
  • Provide financial reports as needed, particularly at executive meetings and the AGM.
  • Oversee the preparation of a budget for the coming year for approval at the next executive meeting.
  • Submit the branch financial statement to the BCRTA office by July 15.
  • The LRTA Treasurer includes a full financial report to the membership in the fall newsletter.


  • Take notes and write up minutes of executive meetings, AGM and general meetings when necessary.
  • Send minutes to the president prior to the next meeting.
  • Present minutes at meetings and make any necessary corrections.
  • Write letters as requested that pertain to branch matters.
  • Maintain a minutes file.


  • Be the communication link with the BCRTA
  • Keep a list of each year’s new retirees.
  • Keep a list of “Distinguished Members” (85) and “Lifetime Members” (90) and coordinate their celebration at a meeting during the year.
  • In conjunction with the BCRTA membership lists, keep name tags current.
  • Work with President to prepare a package of information for the recruitment of new retirees as members.
  • Send to the BCRTA by June 30 of each year a list of names and addresses of the officers of the branch for the coming year.
  • Obtain an up-to-date membership list each year.


  • Prepare newsletters
  • Encourage members to sent in articles and items of interest for inclusion in the newsletter.
  • Items submitted to the newsletter should not be changed or left out of the newsletter without consultation with person submitting the article or the executive committee.
  • Ensure meetings and activities are reported in the newsletter.
  • Submit newsletters foresting newsletter
  • Maintain up-to-date list of members who have email and share list as needed to other executive members.
  • Ensure email list is secure and bulk email procedures followed (send Bcc)
  • Email notices on topics approved by executive
  • Email and/or send newsletters by Canada Post to members


  • Prepare website to support the beliefs and purposes of the LRTA and the BCRTA.
  • Guard against copyright violations and be politically neutral.
  • Ensure the content of the website is under the supervision and control of the LRTA Executive.
  • Provide archival facilities deemed appropriate by the executive.  (Examples include: newsletters, emails, BCRTA notices, announcements and bulletins, COSCO bulletins)
  • Encourage members to send in articles and items of interest for inclusion on the web.
  • Ensure meetings and actives such as luncheons are reported on the web.
  • Provide feedback facility.  Members may contact webmaster and/or President through a contact page on the website.
  • Provide a home page of News Items: “LRTA News and Activities.”
  • Maintain a link to the BCRTA website through LRTA website.
  • Items submitted to the webmaster by member of the LRTA should not be edited or changed without consultation with member or the executive.
  • Ensure file of newsletters is kept up-to-date on LRTA website.


  • Prepare the message statement (email statement) for the upcoming events and send out.
  • Coordinate a group of volunteer members to call those members wishing to be phoned.
  • Obtain an up-to-date membership list each year.
  • Report the information numbers to the president at least one week in advance of the event.


  • Bring program ideas to the executive for their consideration.
  • Coordinate the arrangements with any guest presenters or groups including remuneration on approval of the executive.
  • Send thank you cards and /or approved thank you gifts  to presenters.


  • Send cards to members or their families on the occasion of bereavement, illness or accident.
  • Send a card to members recognizing significant events.
  • Send Christmas cards to LRTA lifetime/distinguished member.
  • Keep executive members (especially Membership, Webmaster and Newsletter) informed.
  • Encourage members to phone or email news about any of the above sunshine or Showers related items.
  • Keep supply of cards and stamps available.
  • Keep record of sent messages.
  • Obtain an up-to-date list of members each year.

Members At Large (Minimum of four to be elected)

  • Share the responsibility for activities as outlined in our “Beliefs and Purposes.”
  • Share the responsibility for current issue for the LRTA and/or the BCRTA
LRTA Executive
  • President: Gail Chaddock-Costello
  • Vice President: Yole Properi-Porta
  • Past President: Sue Mackenzie
  • Membership / Newsletter:  Maureen Wilson
  • Secretary: Sharon vonHollen
  • Treasurer: John Salmon
  • Events: Heather Anderlini
  • Sunshine & Showers: Jacquie Hollybow
  • Members at Large:
    Annette O’Connor
    George Main
    Judy DeVries
Current Lifetime Members

(members 90+ years of age as of December 2025)

Erica Blackstock

Isabelle Clark

Jean Hope

Eleanor Leblanc

Fay Morelli

Jean Ritchie

Donald Urquhart

Kathleen Wagner

View Profiles of the following Lifetime Members (click name to view)

Current Distinguished Members

(members 85-89 years of age as of December 2025)

Ynolde Adams

Lou Anthony

Jean Blair

Margaret Bland

Lois Comerford

Marlene Dams

Lois Gibbons

Ronald Hill

Peter Holuboff

Joan MacLoughlin

Jean Mark

Trixie Martyn

Wayne Orser

Robert Power

Arnold Richardson

John Salmon

Lily Suzuki

Alice Thomas

Keith Watson

Linda Weinberg

Lindsay Weir


The information on this site is for information purposes only. The Langley Retired Teachers’ Association (LRTA) assumes no liability for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

The information contained about each article or event has been supplied by such individual, organization or firm often without verification by us. Certain links on our site may take you to other websites. The webmaster provides these links only as a convenience and not as an endorsement by the webmaster or the LRTA.

Linked sites are not under our control. If you decide to visit any linked site, you do so at your own risk and it is your responsibility to take all protective measures to guard against viruses and other destructive elements.

The LRTA is not responsible for the content of any such linked sites or any other web page that is not part of this site. Unless otherwise expressly provided, the LRTA makes no representation or warranty regarding, and does not endorse, any linked site or the information, products or services appearing thereon. Accordingly, you agree that the LRTA will not be responsible or liable in any way for the accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, legality, or decency of material contained in any site linked from this LRTA site.

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