Langley Meadows Community School

Langley Meadows Community School is located at 2244 Willoughby Way and has a catchment area from about 69 Avenue south to Highway 10 and Fraser Highway, and between 200 Street on the east and the Langley-Surrey border on the west. The school is situated on 9.56 Acres (3.86 hectares) and was originally constructed in 1983.

Although the school is not constructed in a modular design, it was designed to accept additional classrooms and other facilities as the need for expansion arose. A major difference between the design of Langley Meadows and other Langley schools lies in the steel trussing and the metal roof.

The school started out housing only 150 students, but after additions in 1986,1988, and 1992, the school now has 18 standard classrooms, a gym, library, computer room, 2 Kindergarten rooms, a special education room, two portables, and a multi purpose room. There are also exterior washrooms located on the south side of the east wing, paid for by the Township. There is a galvanized chain link fence on the west, northeast and east. On the grounds, there are three swing sets, one gym climber, two teeter-totters, three slides, bars, bicycle racks, parking stalls for 46 cars, a basketball court, and two adventure play structures.

In 2004, there are 475 students registered at the school which houses from Kindergarten to grade 7. In 2004, the principal is Janice Clark, the head secretary is Shari Taylor, and the vice principal is Mike Etheridge. Over the years the following people have served as principal: Walt Krahn, Ron Sawatzky, and Dave Brownlee.

The school motto is “Attitude determines Altitude.” The school colours are black and teal, and the school logo is the Meadows Mustang. Special programs at the school include a Community School concept with coordinator Twyla Hunt, Rec N’ Read, and Reading Recovery. All sports are offered as well as intramural programs. The school has a yearly sports day, track and field programs, and rep teams in volleyball and basketball.

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