AGM Minutes June 2018
MINUTES of the AGM for the Wine Country RTA
June 5th, 2018
held at the SOSTU Bldg in Oliver
18 members present (alphabetically): Gladys Brown,Ivo Castellarin, Jackie Castellarin, Carol Cieslik, Stefan Cieslik, Georgia Erlandsen, Letitia Ecker,
Arthur Halsted, Cheryl Halsted, Ken Hayes, Doris Kuehn, Nancy Leardo, Helen Leask, Karin Maertins, Sherry Philpott-Adhikary, Chere Plante, Stan Storwick, Audrey Westcott,
1. Call to Order at 10 o’clock precisely!
2. Welcome and Introductions by/from Chairperson Stefan Cieslik
3. Adoption of Agenda (Consensus)
4. Minutes of 2017 AGM were shown, read and accepted.(Attachment1)
5. Treasurer’s Report Cheryl told us that the current Bank Balance is $1198.81. Agreed that we use part of Balance for lunch after AGM/2018.
6. President’s Report Stefan Cieslik reported on the WCRTA activities for 2017/18 (Attachment 3) Thanks to Cheryl, Treasurer and to Ray, Secretary.
7. Election of Executive for 2018/19 (Sherry Philpott-Adhikary chaired this part of the mtg)
President: Stefan Cieslik (re-elected by acclamation.
Treasurer: Cheryl Halsted (re-elected by acclamation).
Secretary: Sherry Philpott-Adhikary (elected by acclamation).
8. Election of Delegates for the BCRTA Conf./AGM in Richmond in Sept.
Sherry Philpott-Adhikary & Cheryl Halsted were elected to be our reps.
9. Announcements:
a) Congrats to the five retirees this year: Darlene & Lindsay Abbie, Liz Fairbrother, Sharron Piazza and Darla Svendsen.
b) SOSTU Retirement Party @ Covert Farms on June 15th. ($10 p/person)
c) September 4th, 2018 “To Hell With the Bell“ Brunch at McKias’ Restaurant in Osoyoos
d) Dec 4th, 2018 Christmas Luncheon. Date?Venue to be announced.
e) Ernie Milward is the incoming President of S.OkanaganSimilkameen Teachers’Union (Thanked for allowing our use of bldg.)
10. Pension & Benefits Discussion about Bill C-27 and the new Prestige Extended Health-Travel coverage by Johnsons Insurance and the BCRTA. Petition to be forwarded to Richard Cannings
Adjournment (followed by lunch at Pappa’s Firehall Bistro. 13 attended.
Respectfully submitted, Stefan Cieslik, President