Top 10 Reasons to Join The Wine Country RTA
10. The primary value of the BCRTA is that ALL MEMBERS will continue to have an Association to speak with one voice about their economic interests and concerns.
9. INSURANCE: Extended Health, Dental, Travel, Home,
Comprehensive at competitive, affordable rates.
8. Input into Teachers’ Pension Plan concerns through trustees elected to represent retired teachers
7. Up-to-date information about your TPP Pension and upcoming changes
6. FREE retirement, life, legacy and health workshops
5. The opportunity to engage in (Wine Country) branch social activities if you want.
4. Four PostScript magazines and six on-line BCRTA Connections newsletters, Local Branch(Wine Country) bulletins, updates and newsletters.
3. Contact: Stay in touch with former colleagues
2. FREE Membership for 2018/19 (for new members only)
1. $45. That’s it – not $45 a month – but $45 for the whole year (this is what you will pay after the first year’s free membership).
The Wine Country Retired Teachers Association
represents teachers who have retired from
School District #14 and #53
and other retired educators who live in this region.
Please join us!
What We Provide
The primary value of the BCRTA is that members will continue to have an Association to speak with one voice about their economic interests and concerns.
In this aspect, the BCRTA replaces the professional association which served the same interests in the years before retirement.
Did you know that some of the most valued benefits of membership in the British Columbia Retired Teachers’ Association are its insurance plans administered by Johnson Inc.? Competitive, affordable, and comprehensive, they are designed to meet the individual needs of retired educators, and include home insurance, life insurance and travel insurance. All feature group rates based on a population of preferred clientele. PRESTIGE EXTENDED HEALTH COVERAGE & TRAVEL are worth considering as an alternative to Green Shield.
The travel insurance, MEDOC, is especially attractive for people who have the new-found freedom to travel — off- season, when the price is right. The “golden umbrella” that accompanies members worry-free around the world, it provides out-of- province emergency medical coverage, and at no additional charge, trip cancellation, and interruption and delay insurance. Applicants are not restricted because of age or pre-existing medical conditions, and those who subscribe to MEDOC attest to its excellent service.
What are other good reasons for becoming a BCRTA member?
- The opportunity to engage in (Wine Country) branch social activities such as luncheons, day trips, sports events, speakers and entertainment – all of which permit continuing contact with colleagues from your working days as an educator.
- Input into pension concerns through our representatives on TPPAC, the Teachers’ Pension Plan Advisory Committee; Input into pension decisions through the Pension Plan Trustees who deal with the challenges of maintaining pension indexing and health benefits (One of the ten Pension Plan trustees is nominated by the BCTF specifically to represent retired teachers.).
- An opportunity, as a member of the R.R. Smith Foundation, to support educational projects in BC, the rest of Canada, and abroad (All BCRTA members can become a member of this philanthropic foundation.).
- The means by which to keep current on matters pertaining to the interests of retired teachers through an excellent BCRTA publication, Postscript, which you will receive four times a year, and through the on-line newsletter called Connections, not to mention local (Wine Country) bulletins, updates and newsletters.
- Representation through the BCRTA on the executive of ACER-CART, the Canadian Association of Retired Teachers, which is influential on matters concerning retired teacher seniors as citizens of Canada; andAffiliation with COSCO (the Council of Senior Citizens’ Organization), which represents about 60,000 BC seniors and advocates on your behalf.
In summary, joining the BCRTA means membership in an organization that exists to “guard the interests and to promote the welfare” of retired educators throughout the province.
If you are already a member of the BCRTA, simply contact the BCRTA office and ask to join Wine Country branch.
If you are not yet a BCRTA member, you can join in five minutes, and your first year is free! Click here to join now!