Cherry Trees at Garry Point Park


Scotch Pond


Clouds Over West Dyke


Mountain View

Welcome to

The Richmond Retired Teachers’ Association (RRTA)

We are a local branch of the British Columbia Retired Teachers’ Association (BCRTA), and are affiliated with the Association Canadienne Des Enseignantes Et Des Enseignants Retraités / the Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART), and the Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations (COSCO).

About Us

The RRTA is the local branch of the provincial organization of retired teachers, the British Columbia Retired Teachers’ Association (BCRTA).  Along with the Council of Senior Citizens Organizations (COSCO), we advocate for the seniors of British Columbia, particularly retired teachers, and keep them informed about many seniors’ issues, including pensions.  Through the BCRTA you will also be able to take advantage of group travel insurance, home insurance and health/life insurance.  The BCRTA also has arrangements with a number of businesses to provide discounts on things such as group travel and many other products.

Our local branch, the RRTA, mainly concerns itself with the social side of retirement.  Although you will miss your students, you may also find yourself missing the interaction with your colleagues. The social functions of the RRTA offer opportunities to keep in touch with those who retired with you and those who have already retired.

Throughout the year we offer luncheons, lectures in our Speakers Series, a minimum of three Newsletters, and you will be added to our informative email group, “The Loop”.  We extend Christmas greetings to our shut-ins and provide scholarships to secondary school graduates.

RRTA Registration - Join Now!

RRTA Board of Directors

President Gordon Smith
Vice-President Vacant
Secretary Amanda Hufton
Treasurer Cathy Wozny
Heritage Loraine Martin
Newsletter Gordon Smith (604) 272-2433
Membership / Phoning Denise Gobbo
Sunshine Pat Walach
Programmes Munjeet Booton
Finance Vacant
Directors-at-Large Bob Jackson

Mike Gilles

Mary Hardy

Social Mary Hardy
Christmas Project Karen Holden

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I join the Richmond Retired Teachers’ Association without joining the B.C Retired Teachers’ Association?

A. No. You must belong to the “parent’ body first, the BCRTA.

Q2. Can I join the other branches of the BCRTA?

A. Yes. You can become a member of as many branches as you wish by paying the dues.

Q3. Can all educators become Active Members?

A. All who receive a pension from the B.C. Teachers’ Pension Plan. Spouses of deceased Active members can also be registered as Active.

Q4. What are Active members?

A. Note above. These members are eligible to vote and/or hold office in the BCRTA or a local.


A. A person may be eligible to be accepted as an Associate Member if she or he:

(a) is the spouse of an Active, Life, Director or Delegate Member

(b) retired from a staff position with the Association, BCTF or one of its local associations; the BC School Superintendents’ Association, the BC Principals’ and Vice Principals’ Association, or the BC Teacher Qualification Service

(c) is a retired private or independent school educator

(d) is a retired BC public school educator not receiving a pension from the Teachers’ Pension Plan of BC

(e) is a retired certified Early Childhood preschool educator

(f) is a retired post-secondary educator

(g) is retired from non-educator employment in K-12 schools or post-secondary institutions

(h) is an active employee who would be eligible for Active or Associate Membership upon retirement and who wishes to participate in Association insurance and/or benefit plans

Associate members have the rights and privileges:

  • to join a Branch and to attend general meetings of the association

Note: They are not eligible to vote/hold office in the BCRTA or a Branch.

  • to have access to all other benefits of membership in the Association.

Q6. How old do I have to be to receive LIFE MEMBERSHIP?

A. 90 years young.

Q7. What does the B.C. Retired Teachers’ Association do?

A. The BCRTA’s main objective is to “guard the interests and promote the welfare of its members.”

It works to protect the economic interests of members.

It provides a means of “keeping in touch” with friends and former colleagues through its branches.

Q8. What does Richmond’s Retired Teachers’ Association do?

a) Have fun

b) Keep abreast of BCRTA policies, events, etc.

c) Communicate through our Newsletter and telephone.

d) Organize several social luncheons each year

e) Amass and organize the heritage of the Richmond School district

Q9. Where are events held?

Our socials, luncheons and all meetings of Directors and committees are held in Richmond.

Q10. What does membership cost?

2018 – 2019 Rates: BCRTA – $42.00 RRTA – $10.00

The first year of membership is free.

Q11. How do I join?

Call or email BCRTA — (604) 871-2260 or (604) 871-2262

Administrative Assistant Laurie Boyd Email:

Q12. What are the bookends for a year of membership?

A. July 1st to June 30th.


The RRTA has a number of standing committees to ensure the smooth operation of the organization. In most cases the committee chair is on the Board of Directors of the RRTA. Below is a list of these committees and a brief description of their role. Check the Section Page links on the left side of the page for additional information about some of the committees.

Advisory Committee: Membership includes all past presidents. This committee shall meet annually and be chaired by the vice president. This committee shall review the RRTA Handbook at least every two (2) years. This committee shall investigate any item referred to it.

Christmas Project: This project recognizes our Life Members, and members who are generally unable to attend RRTA functions due to infirmities. RRTA Members are encouraged to inform the Coordinator of possible recipients.

Electronic Communications: The role of Electronic Communications is to liaise with the Membership Chair in order to maintain a current email list, to send out “The Loop” as requested, to maintain the website and to monitor our presence on the BCRTA website for accuracy.

Finance: Overseeing the finances of the RRTA, the Finance Committee is ideally composed of the Treasurer, President and 2 members of the Executive and Board of Directors. The Treasurer and President generally do not take on the role of Finance Committee Chair.

The Finance Committee meets about 3 times per year to establish a budget and discuss financial issues and strategies in order to be able to present and explain the proposed budget. The budget thus established ensures that all committees have sufficient funds at their disposal to enact their duties on behalf of all RRTA members, within the constraints of funds available. The budget is first offered to the RRTA Executive at a regular Executive meeting and then to the RRTA Membership for discussion and approval at the AGM.

*The RRTA Scholarship Trust Fund Foundation is not managed by the Finance Committee. It requires separate accounting and budgetary actions.

Heritage: The RRTA Heritage Committee promotes and enhances the preservation of Education Heritage in Richmond. The committee collects, organizes and displays educational memorabilia and coordinates RRTA involvement in community Heritage events. The committee usually meets 2 Friday mornings  a month at General Currie School in the original ‘one room schoolhouse’ which opened in 1920.

To volunteer and/or contribute to the collection, please contact Loraine Martin.

Membership: The role of this committee is to maintain a record of the current membership including names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mails. This information is obtained from the BCRTA and is updated at least three times per year. We endeavour to keep our membership list up to date and ask members to inform us at any time of changes to their contact information.

Newsletter: The RRTA Newsletter committee prepares, publishes and distributes the newsletter to members at least three times per year. Newsletters are featured on the RRTA website.

***The newsletter does not include commercial advertising.***

Nominating: This committee is chaired by the immediate past president or an alternate appointed by the president, and may include two (2) additional members of the RRTA who are not seeking office. This committee shall present a slate of candidates for the RRTA Board of Directors at the AGM. The chair of this committee shall conduct the election of the candidates at the AGM.

Phoning: With the assistance of volunteers, this committee contacts those RRTA members who do not have access to email and request this service. These members are kept informed of yearly events such as September and December socials, potlucks, speaker series, AGM, and any items of interest as required.

Programme: This committee plans, organizes and expedites programmes of events to meet the needs of RRTA members. The committee ensures that plans for functions are finalized and that this information is shared with the Board of Directors. The Programme Chair prepares the communications to inform the membership with event notices in the Newsletter and “The Loop”.

Social: The Social Committee plans, organizes and oversees the arrangements for attendance, menu and table settings at RRTA functions. The committee works to coordinate and support the Programme Chairperson in proposed events.

Sunshine: The Sunshine Coordinator sends cards to those who are ill or cards of sympathy for the bereaved when notification of illness or loss is received.

If you think a card should be sent please contact Pat Walach.