Cherry Trees at Garry Point Park


Scotch Pond


Clouds Over West Dyke


Mountain View


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I join the Richmond Retired Teachers’ Association without joining the B.C Retired Teachers’ Association?

A. No. You must belong to the “parent’ body first, the BCRTA.

Q2. Can I join the other branches of the BCRTA?

A. Yes. You can become a member of as many branches as you wish by paying the dues.

Q3. Can all educators become Active Members?

A. All who receive a pension from the B.C. Teachers’ Pension Plan. Spouses of deceased Active members can also be registered as Active.

Q4. What are Active members?

A. Note above. These members are eligible to vote and/or hold office in the BCRTA or a local.


A. A person may be eligible to be accepted as an Associate Member if she or he:

(a) is the spouse of an Active, Life, Director or Delegate Member

(b) retired from a staff position with the Association, BCTF or one of its local associations; the BC School Superintendents’ Association, the BC Principals’ and Vice Principals’ Association, or the BC Teacher Qualification Service

(c) is a retired private or independent school educator

(d) is a retired BC public school educator not receiving a pension from the Teachers’ Pension Plan of BC

(e) is a retired certified Early Childhood preschool educator

(f) is a retired post-secondary educator

(g) is retired from non-educator employment in K-12 schools or post-secondary institutions

(h) is an active employee who would be eligible for Active or Associate Membership upon retirement and who wishes to participate in Association insurance and/or benefit plans

Associate members have the rights and privileges:

  • to join a Branch and to attend general meetings of the association

Note: They are not eligible to vote/hold office in the BCRTA or a Branch.

  • to have access to all other benefits of membership in the Association.

Q6. How old do I have to be to receive LIFE MEMBERSHIP?

A. 90 years young.

Q7. What does the B.C. Retired Teachers’ Association do?

A. The BCRTA’s main objective is to “guard the interests and promote the welfare of its members.”

It works to protect the economic interests of members.

It provides a means of “keeping in touch” with friends and former colleagues through its branches.

Q8. What does Richmond’s Retired Teachers’ Association do?

a) Have fun

b) Keep abreast of BCRTA policies, events, etc.

c) Communicate through our Newsletter and telephone.

d) Organize several social luncheons each year

e) Amass and organize the heritage of the Richmond School district

Q9. Where are events held?

Our socials, luncheons and all meetings of Directors and committees are held in Richmond.

Q10. What does membership cost?

2018 – 2019 Rates: BCRTA – $42.00 RRTA – $10.00

The first year of membership is free.

Q11. How do I join?

Call or email BCRTA — (604) 871-2260 or (604) 871-2262

Administrative Assistant Laurie Boyd Email:

Q12. What are the bookends for a year of membership?

A. July 1st to June 30th.