BC Retired Teachers’ Association

Over 75 Years of Representing BC Retired Teachers

The mission of the BCRTA is the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of life for its members specifically and other seniors generally. The purpose of the BCRTA is to promote the interests of the members, to provide information and advice to members on retirement programmes and benefits, to communicate to members on the activities of the Association and issues of common interest, and to promote excellence in public education.

Looking for your T4A Statement for your teachers’ pension? Please contact the BC Teachers’ Pension directly at 1-866-876-8877

Learn more about the BCRTA and our Free Test Drive for a Year program!

Join today and pay nothing for your first year. We know you’ll see the value in membership and now the first year is on us!

EHC Insurance Experience and Review from our Members

Pre-Retirement Workshops – Register Here!

Get a copy of your Official Membership Card

Living Well in Retirement, a BCRTA Guide

Save $$$ with BCRTA’s Advantage Program

Exclusive Travel Offers for BCRTA Members

BCRTA is dedicated to providing information vital to the interests, concerns and wellbeing of retired educators in BC. Explore travel opportunities, connect to superior insurance and health benefit plans, find savings with our Advantage partners, and read the latest edition of our exceptional magazine, Postscript. Enjoy!

Caroline MalmPresident

Become a Member of the BCRTA

Join today and enjoy your first year free! All the member benefits plus you are helping to support an organization that advocates for you!