Here is the latest news from our national organization of retired teachers.
The 2021 ACER-CART AGM will be virtual, the only acceptable decision under the circumstances. Building on the success of the BCRTA AGM last fall, the forthcoming AGM will include a national online presentation component. We can look forward to the guest speaker(s) whose presentations will be available to all 170,000 members of ACER-CART. Another first! We encourage our membership to mark Thursday, June 3 on your calendars.
ACER-CART’s President, Gerry Tiede (of the BCRTA) has written to the Prime Minister re: commitment to increase the OAS amount for seniors over 75 years of age.
President Tiede also is in regular contact with letters to Seniors’ Minister Schulte re: the new mandate from the Prime Minister.
The ACER-CART website continues to grow, with lots of information about advocacy campaigns, reports from the member organizations across Canada. Visit it at
Steve Bailey
BCRTA representative to ACER-CART