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Johnson Prestige EHC Update July 2019

By July 24, 2019November 6th, 2024No Comments

Each year the insurance providers review the claims history and premiums of our Prestige EHC and Travel Plan to maintain sustainability for the plan. This is also a time to confirm that our members’ claims are addressed promptly and completely. Based on our claims history, we negotiate rates with our insurance providers with a view to maintain a high service level at the best rates possible. BCRTA and the Plan Administrator, Johnson Inc. have completed the annual renewal process for the Prestige plan renewing on September 1, 2019. We found that in the past year claims from members were covered. We also found that there has also been a sharp increase in claim amounts, including several very significant claims. Below is a summary of the changes that may be of interest to you.

Plan Growth

We continue to see growth in our Johnson EHC with Prestige Plan and now have over 1,700 members enrolled.  This growth is welcome because it helps spread the risk when our plan faces large claims. This past year there were three very large claims and the good news is that these claims were all paid. However, it is reasonable to assume that we will continue to see large claims and so to protect the plan into the future the premiums have increased about $20 per member per month.

Plan Enhancements

As a result of requests from BCRTA members we have made the following enhancements to the Prestige program this year:

  •  Vaccines ($100 per calendar year)
  • Updated language was introduced into the clauses addressing the exclusion for emotional and mental disorders. This takes a more modern approach to covering such conditions. Mental and emotional disorders would require a subsequent consultation and a diagnosis in order to be covered and would also need to meet the plan’s stability requirements, when applicable.

The changes above are in addition to the enhancements that were negotiated for the Prestige program last year:

  • Any number of trips within Canada, outside of your province or territory of residence, can be of an unlimited duration under the Base Plan
  • Trip cancellation/Trip Interruption benefits for trips within your province or territory of residence
  • Increased Replacement of Lost Documents benefit – up to $500 (previously $200)
  • Added Flight Accident [$100,000] & Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) [$25,000] benefits
  • Added Non-Medical Emergency Evacuation – up to $5,000
  • Increased travel maximum – $5,000,000 per person per year (previously $2,000,000 lifetime maximum)
  • Increased Trip Cancellation benefit – $8,000 per person per trip (previously $6,000 per person per trip)
  • Added Baggage & Personal Effects coverage – $1,500 person/$3,000 family
  • Increased Vehicle Return benefit – up to $5,000 (previously $2,500)


All plans are negotiated on an annual basis. We are working to keep premium rates as low as possible while continuing to provide comprehensive coverage that provides the best value for our members. As a result of the negotiations, there will be increases to the Prestige Travel with Extended Health Care plan.  There is no increase for single or couple members of the Johnson Dental Plan and a 1.2% increase for members who are on the Johnson EHC-only plan.

Rates for Johnson EHC and Prestige Travel

Current RatesRates effective Sept. 2019

Our sincere appreciation goes to the members who provide ideas and feedback on how to improve our plan. The significant improvements we have made to the plan over the past several years are credit to your involvement. We encourage you to visit the BCRTA website, and attend your local branch meetings to see your ideas in action. These are your plans, designed specifically for the needs of retired teachers.

For complete details on BCRTA’s insurance offerings, see or contact Johnson Inc at 1.844.303.5428.

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