This year the Excellence in Public Education Committee is exploring ways to celebrate our careers and professional contributions to what John Goodlad calls “the human conversation”. Think about a particular achievement in your career; or consider a unique programme or student-centred incentive you were part of. Watch for a call for contributions to mutual celebration.
Another way to celebrate your curricular creativity is to consider contributing to the BCTF’s “TeachBC” website. Your best practice lesson and unit plans are welcome as a means of supporting in-service teachers – particularly those new to the profession.
If you are interested in participating, learn more at https://www.bctf.ca/classroom-resources
The Committee is also developing some “excellence in public education” values statements to support best practice. The first area we will look at is the teaching of languages and cultural heritages in our province and in Canada generally. This investigation will enable us to advocate for best practice in our schools.
The Golden Star Awards programme for 2021-2022 is about to be publicized across the province over the next few months. Application forms are on the BCRTA website. Share them with teachers in your community who are engaged in programming that brings students together with seniors in an on-going inter-generational educational setting. The next deadline for applications is April 15, 2022.
The current Excellence in Public Education committee consists of Grace Wilson, Annette O’Connor, Janice Androsoff, Caroline Malm (past chair), Brenda Jones (co-chair) and Steve Bailey (chair).