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The October meeting of the Western Region of ACER-CART took place by zoom. The biggest ACER-CART news for us in B.C. of course, is that Gerry Tiede, our BCRTA Past President is now the president of ACER-CART.

Please have a look at the re-designed ACER-CART website. You will find some useful links and information as well as a means to connect to retired teachers across Canada through a host of publications and websites. Just google ACER-CART or go directly to

Each ACER-CART member submits reports to its regional representative. Our BCRTA representative for the Western Region is Marilyn Bossert. Marilyn is from Alberta and chairs the ACER-CART Communications Committee.

Our most recent BCRTA report included details of our AGM and Conference Day and included summaries of presentations by our guest speakers.

ARTA – The Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association report included a link to the International Federation on Ageing ‘town hall’ Series. Log on to and then scroll down to IFA Virtual Town Hall Series. Click on Recordings and resources. Next, click on the right-had side – the http site should be there.

On September 25, the ACER-CART Advocacy Committee met via zoom to discuss issues involving seniors and set priorities: health care (long-term care and pharmaceutical), pensions, and elder abuse.

STS – Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan was well prepared for the October 26 provincial election. They produced some election support materials including a brochure that was sent to all members and a number of “one-pagers” that can be found on the STS website:

RTAM – The Retired Teachers’ Association of Manitoba reports a concern with the recruitment of retired teachers as teachers-on-call during a time of pandemic. While acknowledging that individuals can decide on their own whether to accept such opportunities, the association feels that the precariousness of the situation in terms of seniors’ vulnerability should not be dismissed or ignored.

Steve Bailey
BCRTA Representative to ACER-CART