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The Excellence in Public Education Committee has been exploring ways to share our teaching achievements and experiences with new generations who are developing their professional skills. We are considering hosting a workshop or webinar to help us share our stories and eventually write them in a book. We will give you details for this opportunity when they are known.

In our committee time we have also considered our Values Statements for the teaching of language and cultures in BC public schools. We have looked closely at the values around the types of resources and materials employed.

Recently our committee began to discuss our guiding values around special education provision in B.C. Schools with a goal to formulate ways to support active teacher colleagues.

Finally, we are looking forward to hearing from programs in public schools that help BC students and seniors connect. The submission deadline for our Golden Star Awards is April 15th, 2022.

If you know of a school program that features the interaction of Seniors and Students, please let them know to go to the BCRTA website for information on these awards.

Chair Steve Bailey and Co-Chair Brenda Jones