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The Communications Committee is pleased by the direction in which PostScript, Connections and the website are moving: the interests and concerns of BCRTA members are of foremost importance to us and the print publications are becoming increasingly relevant to readers – we have made timeliness, significance, and interest our goals for the content in both print publications. The website also has been revitalized and the content is developed with a view to what is important, current and made easy to access. Overall, the aim is to communicate a consistent message through our all our media. As Communications Committee members, we and our staff are moving toward the realization of these basic communications goals.

Tim Anderson, BCRTA’s Executive Director, has extensive knowledge and experience in communications and provides the lead on Postscript, BCRTA Connections Newsletter and the website. The Committee members work with the Executive Director to provide content, and BCRTA Office Administrator Kristi Josephson handles the business end of the publications.

The sub-committee members come from across the province and bring a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the role. The members of the PostScript Sub-Committee are JoAnn Lauber, Lecky Reynolds, and Libby Thornton, led by Tim Anderson and supported by Terry Green. The Connections Sub-Committee members are Steve Bailey, Marion Hartley and Pat Thiesen, led by Tim Anderson and supported by Charan Gill. The IT/Website Sub-Committee members are Carol Baird-Krul, Charlene Hodgson and Floyd Smith, led by Tim Anderson and supported by Sterling Campbell.

As we continue to refine our committee roles and publication processes, and strive to provide meaningful, interesting and important information, we encourage branch members to submit articles or suggestions for PostScript Magazine via email Letters to the Editor are also welcome. The deadline to receive articles for the next issue of PostScript is January 31.

The content of BCRTA Connections highlights the current and immediate work of the BCRTA – Board decisions and pursuits, committee endeavours, and BCRTA projects. We invite members’ ideas/suggestions/submissions for Connections, which is emailed to over 9,000 BCRTA members after each Board meeting – email us at

The IT/Media subcommittee is working on two exciting projects: new video content to promote the advantages of membership in the BCRTA, and expert interviews. We also plan a “stand alone” issue of PostScript for active teachers, the aim of which is to promote the benefits of belonging to the BCRTA. Branch executives can contact Tim Anderson for help with developing a branch website.

Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy 2019!

Charan Gill
Chair, Communications Committee