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Old favourites are reassuring, safe, and reliable but maybe just a bit boring. With Covid-19, like everyone, we’re eating at home and not going out much all.

Ordering in delivery (Italian, Chinese) or take-out is the only “relief ” to cooking old favourites – meals we enjoy but often repeat.

So we decided to try changing up by ordering from FreshPrep – one of the BCRTA Advantage Partners operating in Kelowna, Vancouver, and Victoria.

It seemed to have potential. We wouldn’t have to go out to a restaurant, or have to social distance, or wear a mask and we’d get new and different food!! We wouldn’t even have to get good clothes on!!

Instead of going out, paying for meal, tip, drinks, gas etc. and worrying if we’re getting infected or not we simply paid $12.50 per meal each ($50 per week) and get 2 nights of dinner “supplies” delivered – pre-cut, pre-measured, and in a safe all weather sealed case with icepack to keep things fresh.

We get to cook TOGETHER because they provide easy illustrated prep and cooking directions on heavy cardstock we keep – a NEW favourite to use again later. If we have to be away, we don’t order for the week and there is no cost.

This week we’ll be making Lebanese Dry Rubbed Steelhead with Lentil Tabbouleh Style Salad and another night it will be Shanghai Chicken Noodle Stir-Fry with Bok Choy, Snow Peas & Chopped Peanuts. We get to choose from a varied selection of meals, and so we often make one of our orders vegetarian.

FreshPrep is currently available in Greater Vancouver, Greater Kelowna, and Greater Victoria. You may have other similar “cook at home” programs in your town.

It is another way that BCRTA through its Advantage Partners helps us in retirement – to adapt positively to restrictions on our entertainment without being hugely expensive!

Dave and Bonnie Scott
New Westminster

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