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BCRTA Social Concerns Committee Report
By Lynne Rodier, Social Concerns Committee Chairperson, McLeese Lake, BC

The major focus of the June 20th meeting of the Social Concerns Committee was to develop a strategy for protesting Bill-C 27. The Bill, if passed, allows Defined Benefit plans to potentially be converted to Target Pension Plans. As it currently stands, Bill C-27 has the potential to erode retirement security for millions of middle class Canadians who have Defined Benefit plan coverage and those who have accrued or earned Defined Benefit pension plans. JoAnn Lauber led the Social Concerns Committee (along with the Pensions Committee who joined us) to develop an action plan which includes telephone calls and letter writing. An Ad Hoc committee was formed as a result of the meeting and the social contacts networks will be asked to share information with the Branches. The committee encourages members to use a link provided by The Public Service Alliance of Canada which allows for a quick protest of the Bill—but hand-written letters are also encouraged.

Also, at the June meeting, the merger of Social Concerns and Health and Housing Committees into a Wellbeing Committee was discussed. The draft responsibilities were reviewed and approved by the committee. The committee wishes the new committee well.

The committee wishes to thank JoAnn Lauber for all of her help and expertise with meeting its objectives, especially the one of promoting the “Declaration Concerning A National Health Care Strategy—For Seniors” developed by the Vancouver Round-table chaired by Pat Brady.